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What I have been listening to

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Have you ever noticed how little we touch each other? Not in a lewd or far to personal fashion. But more along the lines of handing a clerk cash or a credit card. Even that has gotten to the point of making the contact less or non existent with self checkouts, swipe machines on the counters and even the chip embedded cards that you just wave in the general direction of a sensor.

My point? My point is that it seems that all connection is lost. Don't get me wrong. I don't want anyone to come up and start grinding on me, nor I to someone else. However I did notice last week in a drive through that the clerk and I went to great pains, to the extent of it becoming awkward, to avoid touching the other person at the window when giving them a couple of bills and some change. It struck me as odd.

So odd in fact that it crossed my mind on subsequent visits. So yesterday, the awkward situation came up again. This time I didn't worry about it. My hand brushed the drive through window person's hand as I delivered payment. And once again as I gently collected my Extra Long Chili Cheesy Coneys. Strangle it made me happy. It seemed to make the drive through teller smile as well. I was a lot happier with my purchase and the interaction. Maybe this is just in areas where there is a higher dependence on cars to travel. I don't know. But it was nice to have the contact, or more to the point, it was nice not avoiding the contact.

Has anyone else observed this?

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